Medicare Madness

Medicare Madness
Final Four Time Folks

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Present Model, System & Restrictions are Destroying Our Nation’s Physicians and Their Careers & Practices

Hello Folks,

There was a great article I came across while reading Kevin MD today. I swear some of the articles and autors he has there are just so top notch on target. But today this one really out did even the usual high level of quality one finds over there. So first of all I strongly suggest that you all read this awesome article and then read the post, response that it brought out in me here.

The Present Model, System & Restrictions are Destroying Our Nation’s Physicians and Their Careers & Practices  
By: Paul Bleiweiss

Seeing that the average doctor will barely pay off their debts, no less very possibly never get a chance to save for their retirement.... When are we going to start a movement, come to the understanding as a Nation that unless we care deeply about our care givers, our Doctors that someday way too soon we are going to be left with almost nobody left to do the job that they do and that we all need so very much, that is all so valuable to us all as individual beings as well as a  nation in general?

Continuing to assault and layer more and more layers of Garbage and trash upon our nation’s healthcare providers, Doctors is a road to ruin and path to Self Destruction.

But until the greedy many who all feed at the trough of what they hope will continue to be an almost endless source of feeding themselves and their fellow fattened up pigs, start to be weeded out instead of being refered to as something valid and needed, someone or something that deserve a full access pass and place at the table, a piece of the pie. Meanwhile it is the majority of these Thieves hiding in Plain sight, these "Stakeholders" that are stealing from all of us, including our all too dedicated, disrespected, treated like dirt and mislabeled as untrustworthy, ill trained and uncaring Crooks by those that profit most from this terribly unfair and horribly inappropriate misleading set of labels.

It is these Crooks in Plain Sight, given valid sounding names and titles who spend more time on marketing and lobbying while doctors continue to toil away in their exam and procedure rooms caring for all of us, while we all too easily and regularly fall for onslaught of lies and violations of civil law for defamation even.... Too busy they all are fighting their daily fights, putting out the hourly fires in their practices and offices, taking at least decent or even better care of us, as best they can in the face of hard to even imgine obsticles, threats and anchors tied around their necks...

So who shall care for our nation's care givers I ask you all again, who shall care for them? Or one day their shall be nobody left to give a darn and care about all of us....
To Your Good Health,
The Ref

For More Great Commentary and Insight Check Out these links as well:

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