Medicare Madness

Medicare Madness
Final Four Time Folks

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Present Model, System & Restrictions are Destroying Our Nation’s Physicians and Their Careers & Practices

Hello Folks,

There was a great article I came across while reading Kevin MD today. I swear some of the articles and autors he has there are just so top notch on target. But today this one really out did even the usual high level of quality one finds over there. So first of all I strongly suggest that you all read this awesome article and then read the post, response that it brought out in me here.

The Present Model, System & Restrictions are Destroying Our Nation’s Physicians and Their Careers & Practices  
By: Paul Bleiweiss

Seeing that the average doctor will barely pay off their debts, no less very possibly never get a chance to save for their retirement.... When are we going to start a movement, come to the understanding as a Nation that unless we care deeply about our care givers, our Doctors that someday way too soon we are going to be left with almost nobody left to do the job that they do and that we all need so very much, that is all so valuable to us all as individual beings as well as a  nation in general?

Continuing to assault and layer more and more layers of Garbage and trash upon our nation’s healthcare providers, Doctors is a road to ruin and path to Self Destruction.

But until the greedy many who all feed at the trough of what they hope will continue to be an almost endless source of feeding themselves and their fellow fattened up pigs, start to be weeded out instead of being refered to as something valid and needed, someone or something that deserve a full access pass and place at the table, a piece of the pie. Meanwhile it is the majority of these Thieves hiding in Plain sight, these "Stakeholders" that are stealing from all of us, including our all too dedicated, disrespected, treated like dirt and mislabeled as untrustworthy, ill trained and uncaring Crooks by those that profit most from this terribly unfair and horribly inappropriate misleading set of labels.

It is these Crooks in Plain Sight, given valid sounding names and titles who spend more time on marketing and lobbying while doctors continue to toil away in their exam and procedure rooms caring for all of us, while we all too easily and regularly fall for onslaught of lies and violations of civil law for defamation even.... Too busy they all are fighting their daily fights, putting out the hourly fires in their practices and offices, taking at least decent or even better care of us, as best they can in the face of hard to even imgine obsticles, threats and anchors tied around their necks...

So who shall care for our nation's care givers I ask you all again, who shall care for them? Or one day their shall be nobody left to give a darn and care about all of us....
To Your Good Health,
The Ref

For More Great Commentary and Insight Check Out these links as well:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Eating Our Young Since the 1970's

Oh My Goodness!!! Some of the articles I have stumbled upon this morning have me simply "Reeling" and my Blood Pressure Rising to the point of having a stroke before the day is out I swear. Just in general the United Corporations of America have just about taken the last few drops of blood we average Americans have left to bled dry of. But it just all seems to have come together in this Amazing Perfect Storm of a News Cycle that is getting almost NO Coverage on the Largest Media outlets because of the crazy stuff happening in the Middle East the last few days (understandable there at least) and this horrible Presidential Campaign, Candidate of the Power Elite, Mitt the Piece of $#!T.....

So Check This Out:

Need I say any more about the insane and horrible state of our nation and the FIX our youth, even many of us not really Boomers, Wake Boarders, born around 1960.... The Falsehood that there even is this thing we call "The American Dream" is just so torn to shreds by this article it makes one want to cry. What's a dedicated, caring struggling here with their own debt at 50+ parent supposed to do??? Move North to our supposedly "Lesser" friends' country, Canada??? Look at the difference on either side of the median, mid-line there... Scary and so depressing too.... Yuck!

I have been trying to find a better name for us guys, the mini generation that got stuck between the real 1950's Boomers and the next recognized "Official Generation" folks the "Gen X'ers" who are a good 10 years or so younger than us Wake Boarders. And who are the Wake Boarders and why do I feel it is important and more importantly "Valid" to separate this interesting demographic group out  as a unique sub-group of their own. It is my (and others too I might add) that the "Wake Boarders" are those that came of age in the very heart of the 1970's and are only now entering their 50's.

The Wake Boarders just like the Present set of young adults coming out of college swamped with debt and no real prospects to help them start their adults lives no less start to nibble away at their financial Serfdom are those because of their place right behind that all too Real Cohort we all know as the Baby Boom or Boomers, Yuppies and the like that the entire western world seems to cater to... are the ones who were so close, "Tailgating" the boomers that they had nothing left to claim as their own. The Wake Boarders, Tailgaters are those who always got the moldy leftover crumbs that dropped off the table, left behind by the Boomers. I like to use the image from the classic book, "The Little Prince" where the boy's picture had a snake eat an Elephant and so this poor snake was drawn skinny on either extreme side with this HUGE bubble in the middle as the Elephant moved, sat in the middle of the snake's body. Now Imagine being the poor person stuck right behind this Blight of Locusts, never being a part of the happily munching pack but instead, always left to scavenge the dried up, almost no nutritional value barren fields that those hoards left behind.... Not a pretty concept now is it.

But that is the true plight of the Wake Boarders, the Tailgaters, as a NASCAR fan might like to think about, "Drafting" with little or no choice and on way out either, it is simply timing and birth place, you're sort of stuck there... But only NOW are those that devoured all the best jobs and positions are starting to retire out and leave all that they blocked and kept us out of.... BUT today as those that were never quite as successful as those just ahead of us, and now firmly in our very late 40's and first few years of our 50's, employers look down upon us, and even still we simply can not gain access to those better places at the table, the opportunities denied us all along by our "Anti-Birth Right", because now we don't have the right connections, the right resumes with the right previous jobs and experiences, no less the fact that we are simply way too OLD. And even though discrimination based upon Age is a protected class and is considered an illegal action, none the less, try and prove it and pursue it. And we don't want a ton of lawsuits and all the hassle and expense, stress and personal upset that comes with all of that... No instead just like the newer kids coming out of school today to face the same kind of blighted National Landscape before them all we too want is a chance to succeed, a way to gain insider acceptance and perhaps, just perhaps half a chance to be given a valid path to help up chance up for all the years of little or no earnings, no savings, no vesting, no pension contributions, less Social Security Contributions too.... We just want what any honest hardworking person wants, a good days pay for good days work. And as with any group of people who have been given the short end of the shaft based upon happenstance or prejudice, all we want is to be recognized and given some method of being "Made Whole" again....

As I attend School Board Meetings here in my own community and all I hear about is Conservative Cut My Taxes, selfish Horse Dung from those that profited and gained and did so well by the community that invested in them previously, but today they don't want to pay for their own grand children's education and futures, and even their own parents have bought into the falsehoods of the Extremist Right, I try my best to remind them of what is really at stake and what the real life consequences are. You see I was part of the last, the First Modern group of what is referred to as a "Throw Away Generation" of kids who grew up in the inner cities or the rural poor of the 1970's when "Great" leaders like President Ford was properly headlined as telling us NYC children and citizens, "Ford to NY; DROP DEAD!" Our city was on the brink of going off the deep end, the state didn't have the resources to bailout such a large city with such deep problems and debts, and so we had no choice but to CUT EVERYTHING and screw the kids and their education and the teachers who had to work in those super over crowded classrooms. I remember all too well, considering a class with less than 30 kids Small, and regularly being in classes that had 33 kids to a single grade school class. Can you imagine being the teacher in charge of attempting to keep 33 10-12 year old kids calm, interested and focused teaching even in a better community of Da Bronx??? No less my own father who taught in the heart of the dying and literally Burning South Bronx as the city literally fell down all around us....

And yet these selfish short sighted extremist right wingers, Tea Party folks who have fallen for the lies and manipulations of The Koch Brothers and their well funded Astro-Turf organizations like that Tea Party that they wrongly believe is so real, authentic and organic because it does touch upon their anger and frustrations but not the actual causes no less solutions. You see today we are "Eating Our Young" just as we have done before to those like myself and my wife who grew up in the North Bronx as the classes grew insanely over crowded and building literally burned to ground... Today we don't have "Fort Apache" turning into "Little House on the Parrie" as we did when I was a kid and young adult.... But we have our own all too real problems with a flood of horrible drugs, guns and student loans that have no ability to be forgiven, the same with SBA, Small Business Loans too I might add, and NO Opportunities, no path out, no way to move forward or Upward, the American Dream Died at the Feet of Ronald Reagan and the PATCO Union so many years ago, if not in those brick strewn fields of burned out buildings five or ten years prior, starting with President Ford and the blight and debt of the War in South East Asia.

So today I reach out to my younger brothers and sisters in this new screwed before they got a chance to even get out of the gates of their own young adulthood's: I so get your pain and I so get your anger and frustrations. I share them with you today. My wife went back to school to be a primary care doctor here in NYS and graduated just in time to have the entire system change with the HMO wave of income screwing and patient harm and delusion of the level of care... So today we have both your student debt we can not afford to pay down, SBA debt of the same from opening up her solo practice to escape the humanity eating Corporate Productivity based Systems practices, a mortgage and two teen aged kids who are basically doing without much of what other families take for granted and even Need.

So when you Occupy Here and protest there, I support you and even will march with you from time to time, even bring the kids to give them a proper education in social policies and democratic process and freedoms... But please remember there are those of us here who just like you, we too never got a thing we could sneak out with, work our butts off for or was given to us with disdain as a handout as though our birth place and lack of opportunities, living in the land of the blight was our faults too, just as you are being wrongly accused of today. Instead, let's join hands, reach out to one another, and make good use of both groups facts and cases to support and empower the other.... Just as Jews and Blacks used to protest together for "Civil Rights" as ONE, because a win for you is a win for me, Civil Rights, and Ethical Policies and Equal Rights and Opportunities are always a victory for all good people of conscience.

I support you and I understand, can we wake boarders, Tailgaters get the same from you and your parents today??? With only 15 years left in my best earning days and without a dime to show for it, if somebody doesn't throw us a bone, not only will WE be a heavy load for your generation to carry, but MY KIDS, OUR KIDS, will be the newest and Next Throw Away Generation just like you are today... And you know that such a thing is Completely Unacceptable and oh so wrong....

Be well and Keep up the good fight....

The Ref

PS: Read this and we'll talk more about what it implies and means sometime real soon...